Dystopian Drama on the High Seas
A vast man-made resort island offers permanent relief to a drought-stricken continent. As corporate interests clash with archeological concerns, dangerous forces threaten the future of the island -- and the globe. As a legendary deity seems to awaken, mankind's hopes rest in the hands of a journalist, a janitor, and a travel agent.
University of Florida archaeologist Gemma discovers immense aquifers beneath a rocky outcrop in the Atlantic. The mineral water offers hope to drought-stricken Africa. Corporate behemoth — Aqua Monde Corp — invest billions to extract the mineral water while constructing a lavish artificial island around the site. However, relics from an ancient tribe suggest that the water may possess elements of an unearthly nature.
Meanwhile, activist Flomo Johnson is convinced the corporate giants plan to extort rather than to help impoverished West African nations. Entertainment journalist Padraig forms an unlikely alliance with Flomo, and UF scientist Gemma as the trio seeks to uncover the truth about the corporation and the mythical spirit of Mami Wata.